Sunday, July 7, 2013

week 38 | Guats up family!

Hola mi familia!

¿Como les va? que es eso hay lluvia en Junio!

Hey guys! Wellllll its that day again. I hope your guys are doing well! Im glad you guys could watch some of the conference last night. All the Elders and Hermanas in the zone watched it together in the stake center. Wow how cool was that! Its amazing to see how much emphasis they are puttting on missionary work. We are living in an amazing time. I feel really blessed to be serving with 70,000 other Elders and Hermanas in the world. I felt the spirit strongly in all the talks and videos. With the upcoming changes with technology in the mission field we were pondering that with my companions. I think we will see some changes and enhancements but not sure. None of us have cell phones in the mission here just a house phone hahaha. It really would make things easier for communicating but who knows.

We had a very busy and active week here in Sion. Its raining everyday now hahaha. We had a storm come in and soak us this week. On Tuesday we returned from some morning appointments to eat lunch and it started pouring hahahah. I dont think I have ever seen it rain so hard in my entire life. Just about daily now we look up in the sky and huge dark clouds come rolling in. "Quick get the jackets out!!!!" 

 We had the oppourtunity to baptize F this week. She is amazing, one of the truest converts i have seen on the mission. She was so prepared and has just learned at such a fast pace. Unfortunatly her boyfreind who is in the ward couldnt baptize her so we asked her who she wanted. To my suprise she chose me! It is such an honor every time I get to lead someone down into the baptismal font and baptize. I feel incredibly grateful and honored to be a part of such a special moment. We spent alot of time getting things set up for her baptism Saturday night. Right when the first hymn started she began to cry... what a special day for her. There is no joy greater than to see a son or daughter of our heavenly father enter the waters of baptism. Sacrifice does bring forth the blessings of heaven.

We have had a tougher time finding some new people to teach. I have found it hard sometimes to balance the time we spend preparing and baptizing and finding new people. This week we are really going to focus in on finding with faith. We are preparing our last two fechas J and V to be baptized this next Saturday. J is 13 and V is 9. We have reactivated the family and are working with their father also. I have seen a huge change in both of them. When we started visiting them they had lots of contention and problems within the family. Its amazing to see how the teaching of the gospel directly effects families. I already love these guys so much!

Just like Taylor said a few weeks back I feel like the Book of Mormon writers when they say they could only write a hundredth part of what they saw and experienced. Its hard for me to describe the many experiences I have weekly here in the mission. We had our zone activity today which went well. We went to a bowling alley by the temple. I actually bowled a 173 hahaha. All that bowling in Wisconsin is still paying off hahahaha. I am really excited for this coming week. We are going to have zone conference on Friday! Im a little nervous because I have been assigned to teach with Elder E one of the assistants about how to teach with inspired questions hahaha.

I was reading the Conference edition of the Ensign this week. I loved the talks by Quentin L Cook and Richard G Scott about finding peace in our homes and in our personal lives. Elder Cook stated " Peace comes from knowing that the Savior knows who we are and knows that we have faith in him, love him, and keep his commandments" I know that when we live simple pure gospel principles true internal peace is found in this busy world. Prayer, daily scripture study, and living the commandments of the Lord qualify and purify us. Where can I turn for peace? We can always turn to the savior. Through him is found the only true and lasting peace. 

I love you guys! Have another great week! Mom I loved your thoughts about the June Ensign. I also read that article by President Uchtdorf. I pray for you all daily!


Elder Hughes

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