Wednesday, July 10, 2013

week 40 | well......time for another change!

Hey guys!

Happy late fourth of July. To be completely honest It was about one o'clock on Wendsday when another elder reminded me that it was the fouth of July hahahaha. I totally forgot about that. When you don't live in the United States anymore I guess I forget that stuff now ha. Happy Birthday America. I was wondering if the river raft was gonna be coming out soon! Im excited to hit the river again one day.

Well speaking of fireworks Im just going to get this thing started with a "bang". Haha that was for Brother Pettey. Haha. For a little context I've only been here in zona Molino for one change or six weeks. We received the change calls from the assistants and I have a CHANGE! I still honestly cannot believe it. Almost all the companionships of ZLs have changes which is crazy. So now I'm packing my bags again and hitting the road. Maybe I'm going to be going outside of the capital to open up a new zone or something who knows??? I really have no Idea whats going to happen. The mission just split so with the five zones here in the capital we received five more from the south mission. So It seems like president is sending alot of us over to the old south mission. 

Quick little note. At the consejo de lideres on tuesday I asked around from the ZLs in the south mission and Shaun Gondola is now here with me in the East mission! How crazy is that! Me and Shaun are in the same mission and Im pretty sure we are going to go home together now. Im excited to see him.

This week was just a rollercoaster ride. On Tuesday we went to leadership meeting which was so good. I always feel so inspired and motivated to change after these meetings. President Watts is inspired. I feel like I'm am just now beginning to understand the role and calling we hold as missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. I feel privileged to have been called to serve in such a sacred calling. I went on a division this week to Durazno this week. Its a little pueble just outside of the capital and way up on top of a mountain. Pretty cool area. Its all dirt roads and little lamina houses. They have a beautiful chapel up there that just sits in the middle of the pueblo. Wow its pretty breathtaking. Unfortunatly the branch and the missionaries have had some difficulties. Assistance is way down and the Elders haven't had any success. So I got the chance to go up and see what we can do to help them. I loved it! For some reason the following day Thursday and Friday were so hard for me. To be completely honest some days on the mission are just flat out difficult. I relied heavily on the power of prayer this week. Its hard for me to explain what makes some of these days difficult but it is. I know all missionaries can relate. The cool part is the hardest days or weeks in life usually teach us the most. The lord lifts and carries us when we cant go any farther. I have felt this countless times in my mission. Especially with leadership assignments we are given superhuman stamina to keep walking and to keep working as hard as we can.

I was so shocked to have a change. I feel like I just got to know all the elders and members here in the ward hahah. I think the hardest part is remembering all the names haha. In just six short weeks I have grown to love the people in my area. I feel so blessed to have seen so much success in this last six weeks. I am a little sad to leave. But I know that the Lord needs me somewhere else in the time of change in the mission. I have a feeling I might be going to Puerto Barrios which is on the east coast of Guatemala. A new zone is going to open up there! President Watts has always been full of suprises for me. I strive daily to always be worthy of his confidence and trust. 

One basic truth I have seen this week is the fact that our Father in Heaven loves us. Each and every one of his children. His greatest desire is that we continue to change and better ourselves. In this last conference President Uchtdorf stated " Your heavenly father knows that you will make mistakes. He knows that you will stumble- perhaps many times this saddens him, but he loves you. He doesnt wish to break your spirit. On the contrary, he desires that you rise up and become the person you were designed to be" I love those inspired words. I have so much to improve on. But I know that our loving heavenly father is there right beside us cheering us on as we struggle to improve and overcome the challenges of life. Use his atonement and make a list. Write down a short list of things you need to improve on spiritually. Pray and make a plan of action. Make your dreams and wishes a reality. I know that the Savior lives. He has restored his Church through the Prophet Joseph Smith. If you do not know this, pick up a book of mormon, read and pray. You will see the fruits of the restored gospel shine through in your life.

Have a great week guys. Who knows where im going to be on Wednesday  Not really looking forward to pack everything up so soon but Im excited! I love you all so much. Mom, Dad, Riley, and Zach you guys are the best hands down! My family rocks!


Elder Hughes

Thanks for the money mom your the best ever! Im actually gonna get my suit made today I think and then get it sent to me wherever im at.

Love you guys so much. Keep having fun

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