Thursday, October 11, 2012

first p-day email | week one

Hola!! From the MTC!!
Well I'm a Missionary woah! It kind of hits me all of a sudden sometimes. Finally got a chance to email home. My zones P Day is on Thursday, I sent you guys a letter on Friday I think but not sure if it made it there. Time is kind of odd here at the MTC you have the longest days and the shortest weeks.
Alright first off I LOVE being a missionary. And I love it here at the MTC this place is amazing. To kind of summarize some of the highlights of the first nine days here. Wow last Wendsday was probably the longest day of my life. Ive heard the analogy of the first couple days feeling literally like a firehose was being shot at your head. And thats probably the best and only way to describe it. You get all your stuff meet your companion, teachers (who never talk to you in english when you get there) and adjust to mission life. Everyone tells you just get to Sunday and you will be fine Ha! It was overwhelming at first but I adjust pretty quickly.
My companion Elder R is good! Honestly we are very different from eachother. Which has been interesting sometimes but we are getting along fine. I Love this guy. The branch president told me that they beleive I was assigned to Elder for a specific and Inspired reason and I would have to agree.
General Conference this weekend was AMAZING! Like usual. What an awesome announcement about the new mission ages! You should have seen the reaction of 2,000 missionaries in the auditorium. WOW! I think that is so cool for the Sisters I know many who will be even more willing to serve. And let me tell you Sister Missionaries are the best. There is a Sister in my district who literallty sold everything she owns to come on a mission. Wow! Also singing called to serve with 2000 other missionaries is incredible!

 Tuesday night for devotional an Apostle named David A Bednar stopped by the MTC, no big deal! Amazing guy and an incredible speaker.
Daily life in the MTC is pretty much always the same. I spend around ten hours a day inside our classroom studying and learning spanish. There is really no time to get homesick we are going non stop all day. There are some nights I climb into bed and just die for eight hours and then somehow I feel energized the next morning. Missionaries are blessed. My district is great we have me, my companion, and three other sisters going to Guatemala City North and then three elders to Nicuragua and two elders going to Pennsylvania.
Spiritually I have never felt the spirtit more repeatedly and clearly than here at the MTC. I have felt the spirit daily as we learn about our purpose and study the scriptures. Throughout Genereral Conference through singing and the messages given the spirit has been very strong. I feel so privelidged to be apart of this "marvelous work and a wonder".
I do see Taylor about once a day. We usually see eachother in the cafeteria so thats sweet! I have seen Hermana Johnson, Elder Sterri, and Elder Fletcher around!
Spanish is coming along... we have already taught three lessons in spanish crazy! We taught on Friday two days after we got here ive never been so scared haha! But I am starting to pick things up. It can be pretty scary sometimes thinking about the language but I know through Jesus Christ I can do this. I know I cant on my own thats for sure.
Thanks Rachel Buxton and The Harless' for sending letters, I cant tell you guys how nice it is to get one here at the MTC. Just makes your day. So everyone write. I promise I will write back!!
Wow good luck on cross country finals Zach! And Riley I know you will do great on your talk. Just prepare and pray as hard as you can to have the holy ghost there to help you. I know you will kill it! I will be praying for you. It was so nice to go to the temple today too!
Mi testimonio
Yo se que Jesuchristo es mi salvador y mi redentor. Estoy muy agredicido por mi familia y el evangelio en mi vida. Me amo Jesuchristo y estoy muy agredecido por la expacion. Yo se que familias son eternos. En el nombre de jesuchristo amen.
I LOVE you guys. Mom and Dad you are the best parents in the world. I LOVE being a missionary so much and the MTC is awesome. I am so happy! This church is true and I feel so blessed to be able to share it with others.
Have a great week! I pray for all you guys!
Love, Elder Hughes!!
PS on a side funny note. I wrestled with a 3time Utah state wrestling champ in my zone! Of course this ended with a bloody nose!
Elder Tuttle is my roomate and is such a great guy! But he snores louder than anyone ive ever met in my life. The room literally shakes! Its awesome!! I think the rictor scale measured a good 7 HA!
Hasta Luego!

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